Dealing with Alzheimer’s symptoms can be a challenge, and any stigma or discrimination you face adds unnecessary stress.
After all, Alzheimer’s is a medical condition, which nearly 14 million people in the US may develop in the next 30 years. That’s why we’re offering you tips on how to reduce Alzheimer’s stigma.
Social connections can help slow disease development. That’s because all of us, no matter our health condition, need to interact with others and maintain close relationships. Back-and-forth conversations show you care and can improve Alzheimer’s patient’s self-esteem. Spending time alone can lead to depression and stress, which can make Alzheimer’s worse.
Get Out and About
Becoming isolated is unhealthy for seniors (and anyone, of any age), so don’t allow this condition to keep your loved one hidden, at home. Include them in social events and outings, as you normally would. This also helps increase awareness for those around you about Alzheimer’s. The more your family, friends, and the public, see (and/or interact with) an individual with Alzheimer’s, the more they realize this is a normal human condition. Your relative with dementia deserves respect, and admiration for their struggle, as everyone does.
Be Respectful and Genuine
Remember, the dementia patient is still a “whole” person, deserving of (and capable of) love, just like they’ve always been. If you treat the person much differently than you did before diagnosis, they might feel they’re “fading away” from society and life. Don’t let this happen.
Don’t Assume
Don’t think that your elderly parent can no longer make decisions, or function independently. Alzheimer’s affects everyone differently, some people are only mildly affected, while others are further along with disease progression. For some, the disease progresses very slowly. Even as their capabilities change, your loved one still needs to stay as involved as possible in the world.
Helping Seniors Live Independently, and Well
When your loved one with Alzheimer’s needs at-home care and social interaction, A Place at Home can help. Our caregivers can help your beloved relative live independently, and improve quality of life for them–and for you. Contact A Place at Home today.