Every 40 seconds, someone in the US has a stroke. Recovering from a stroke doesn’t have to be overwhelming.
Recovering from a stroke can be daunting. Sometimes, one can suffer minimal effects after a stroke. But a lot of the time, a stroke can leave an individual and their family reeling. A stroke can cause paralysis, aphasia, cognitive issues, and trouble with one’s memory. These are just a few things people can struggle with recovering from a stroke. While a stroke can be devastating, the CDC reports that about 80% of strokes are preventable. It’s essential to know the signs and symptoms of a stroke, as well as lifestyle changes you can make to lessen your risk.
A stroke doesn’t just affect the individual who’s had one; recovery from a stroke has a heavy impact on their loved ones as well.
Taking care of a loved one after they’ve suffered a stroke can be overwhelming and daunting. Caring for someone while they recover can mean a loss of routine and normalcy, both in everyday life and in the dynamics of their relationship with the person who had the stroke. Many people find themselves making large lifestyle changes to accommodate the care needs of their loved ones. And studies show that family members caring for a loved one following a stroke experience psychological distress, depressive symptoms, lower quality of life, and lower overall life satisfaction. These detriments can be present for years after their loved one has had a stroke.
We’ve designed our Stroke CARE Program to help individuals and their families as they recover from a stroke.
A Place At Home has developed a Stroke Recovery CARE Program to address the specific care needs of those recovering from a stroke. This program includes:
- A personal care plan complete with stroke-specific assessments to address your individual care needs.
- Active and ongoing communication with all other members of your health care team.
- A specifically trained Stroke Care certified care team.
- Change in Condition tracking ensures that your care team addresses any concerns as they happen to prevent further risk or injury.
Recovering from a stroke can feel like an uphill battle. Having a team of professionals in your home supporting your recovery can help you make huge strides in your rehabilitation and quality of life. Reach out to us today to learn more about our Stroke CARE Program or schedule a cost-free consultation.