National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day

The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) is sponsoring National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day. This program is part of an effort to offer a safe and easy way to responsibly dispose of prescription medications. If you have any prescription medication that you no longer need, or which have passed their expiration date, this is the perfect time to bring them to an authorized location for proper disposal.

How Prescription Medications Can Be Dangerous

Drugs are prescribed by doctors for various reasons to treat many different conditions and diseases. These prescription drugs cause certain chemical reactions within our body, which can do wonderful things, such as reduce our level of pain, manage levels of hormones or other substances, kill dangerous microbes or viruses, and a number of other things.

However, this very chemically altering nature of prescription drugs is also what can make them dangerous. Here are just a handful of ways that prescription medications can be dangerous to a person:

  • If taken in the wrong dosage or at the wrong times
  • When mixed with certain other drugs or foods (known as “interactions”)
  • After the drug expires, since deterioration can change its chemical properties
  • If taken by someone who does not have the condition treated by the drug

Sadly, far too many people suffer from the ill effects of taking prescription drugs in a dangerous way – sometimes due to ignorance, and other times due to addiction. We can point to the ongoing opioid crisis as just one example of the importance of proper prescription disposal. The best way to prevent this from happening to you or one of your loved ones is to dispose of any leftover prescription drugs, so that they don’t become the cause of an accidental or intentional problem.

Disposing of Prescription Drugs Responsibly

The prevention of drug abuse and misuse is the primary reasons that the DEA established National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day. Sponsored  by the agency’s Diversion Control Division – which is tasked with preventing, detecting, and investigating the diversion of controlled pharmaceuticals from legitimate sources – this day allows anyone to bring their prescription drugs to an authorized take-back location, where the drugs will then be properly disposed of.

Prescription drugs can be brought to DEA-authorized locations between 10 a.m.-2 p.m. on October 27, 2018.

What If I Miss Take-Back Day?

If you miss the National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day, you still can safely dispose of prescription medications by following certain steps established by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA).

  • Follow any disposal instructions on prescription drug labels. Do not flush medicines down the sink or toilet unless the label specifically says you may do so.
  • Look for a year-round DEA-authorized prescription drug collection point.
  • If you cannot take your prescription drugs to an authorized collection point, remove them from their original packaging and mix them with dirt, used coffee grounds, kitty litter, or other undesirable substance. Then put them in an baggie and throw them away in your garbage.

When in doubt, you can also ask your local pharmacist how to properly dispose of prescription drugs. He or she will be able to direct you appropriately.

Five Senior Fall Prevention Tips

At least one-fourth of people above the age of 65 fall every year. Most of these falls occur at homes and are primarily as a result of hazards around the house, reduced strength and reduced reaction time that comes with aging.

At A Place at Home, we have a team of professionals who help you prevent these falls. These tips ensure seniors are safe, independent and also help them avoid the health complications that may come with the falls. Below are five tested and proven tips that help to prevent falls in seniors’ homes.

Hygiene Inspection

This entails keeping the house clutter-free and transferring benches, chairs or anything else from hallways and the stairs. It may also be clearing the house of any tripping hazards such as uneven floors, throw rugs and electrical cords and wires. Switching patterned or striped rags to the ones with solid colors improve depth perception hence aiding fall prevention.

Slip-Proofing the House

We highly recommend that homes be slip-proofed to minimize the risks of falling. This takes into account; keeping floors dry, repairing cracks, ensuring seniors shoes are light to maintain balance and help them feel where they step so they can react better to hazardous situations. Slip-proofing the bathrooms using slip-resistant mats, shower, and tub benches are is also very important.

Installation of Assistive Devices

These can be used to help seniors maintain their balance and independence as they move around the house. Handrails, electric beds, non-slip stairs as well as shower seats are great assistants to seniors. Electric beds are great as they make getting in and out of bed more comfortable and maintain a lower sleeping position.

Review of Medication Side Effects

By understanding the risks posed by some medications, we can help seniors prepare better and avoid falling in their homes. Apart from medication side effects, we advise eye check-ups that will tell of an impending vision problem that may increase the chances of falling.

Reorganizing the House

We suggest rearranging the house to ensure that our clients have all they need at proximity. Moving their bedrooms from the upper level to the main floor is an effective way of preventing a senior from falling on the stairs.

At A Place at Home, we recommend the above tips to aid fall prevention among seniors. Good lighting around the home, and staying active to improve muscle tone and strength are also very useful.