Whether your senior loved one is dealing with the loss of a spouse, experiencing the grieving process, struggling with family conflict, or declining health, emotional and physical stress can have a big impact on their mental health.
If untreated, elderly depression can lead to early death and lower quality of life. In-home care provides an excellent remedy to prevent senior depression while improving senior longevity and daily life.
How In-Home Senior Care Helps Seniors Live Better Lives
Prevents Isolation and Loneliness
In-home care companions provide a symbiotic relationship that enables the senior to thrive. On a social level having friends and companions enables seniors to talk about challenges, express grief, and to find resources to solve problems.
Assistance with Errands and Extracurricular Activities
Seniors with mobility problems often stay home rather than visiting with others because it’s too much trouble, painful or even impossible for them. An in-home care worker can take them out for errands, to visit others, or just for fresh air.
Combats Caregiver Fatigue
If you’re caring for your loved one solo, the stress harms you, your senior parent and your family. Mom will notice and could feel guilty about caregiver overwork leading to depression or family strife. Our at-home caregivers relieve everyone of troublesome, unhealthy stresses.
Visual Problems and/or Declining Health
Vision problems can go undiscovered when seniors live alone, and depressed seniors may not admit to them. A regularly visiting in-home care worker can uncover health issues or behavioral changes, and alert our care coordinators or family.
Relieves Chronic Exhaustion
Senior listlessness/exhaustion can be a side effect of senior depression or a cause. Seniors may feel too tired to contact others, creating vicious cycles of loneliness, neglect, depression and poor overall health. We find senior parents look forward to our in-home provider’s visits, becoming more enthusiastic and energetic.
Eliminates Reluctance to Burden
Your senior loved one often don’t want to both you with their problems including depression and poor health, so she may hide them. Seniors know the in-home care worker’s job is to help, so they feel less guilt or burdensome
We’re Omaha Senior Care Experts, Ready to Help
Let A Place at Home help you and your family live better, without anxiety and elderly depression. We provide compassionate, friendly, capable, and carefully screened in-home care aides for your senior parent. We also offer care coordination helping you decide which services your parent needs, and help you access all needed services on the senior care continuum. A Place At Home is ready to assist you.