National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day: Honoring the Anniversary of the Attack, the Lives Lost, and Dorie Miller

President Roosevelt proclaimed December 7th to honor the anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and the lives lost that day. 

The attack on Pearl Harbor ushered in the United States’ active involvement in World War II. The attack itself lasted just a bit over an hour but killed a total of 2,403 US citizens, 68 of whom were civilians. This day is relevant, not only because of its historical significance. 

Dorie Miller was the first African American to be awarded the Navy Cross – the highest award given in the Navy.

During the attack, Dorie attended to his wounded captain, moving him to safer cover, and broke racially motivated protocol at the time to man a machine gun, taking down two Japanese aircraft. After the attack, Dorie was one of the last men to leave his ship as it went down. He spent this time pulling injured sailors out of the water and to safety. In 2019, the Navy began building a supercarrier, christened the “USS Dorie Miller.”

Dorie’s actions exemplify what it truly means to honor your country, despite the odds against you. 

A Place At Home honors all veterans, whether they served during wartime or not. All across the country, our caregivers are helping veterans stay in their homes safely and independently. It’s the least we can do to thank them for their time and service. 

Veterans spend their careers serving so we can stay safely in our homes; we are honored to do the same for them when the time comes.

For veterans specifically, there are financial resources available to help pay for in-home care, should the need arise. These benefits can cover homemaker services as well as personal care. Veterans need only speak with their team at the VA. Their physician can write an order for up to nine hours a week of care, with no out-of-pocket expense for the vet. As well, a benefit called Aid and Attendance exists for not only veterans but their surviving spouses. This particular benefit has eligibility guidelines but will pay for care either in the home or in a senior living community, up to $27,195 per year.

We are proud to ensure these American heroes have the care and security they need when they need it most. If you are a veteran or know someone who is, reach out to us today. We will help you navigate the options and benefits available.

National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day: Honoring the Anniversary of the Attack, the Lives Lost, and Dorie Miller

President Roosevelt proclaimed December 7th to honor the anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and the lives lost that day. 

The attack on Pearl Harbor ushered in the United States’ active involvement in World War II. The attack itself lasted just a bit over an hour but killed a total of 2,403 US citizens, 68 of whom were civilians. This day is relevant, not only because of its historical significance. 

Dorie Miller was the first African American to be awarded the Navy Cross – the highest award given in the Navy.

During the attack, Dorie attended to his wounded captain, moving him to safer cover, and broke racially motivated protocol at the time to man a machine gun, taking down two Japanese aircraft. After the attack, Dorie was one of the last men to leave his ship as it went down. He spent this time pulling injured sailors out of the water and to safety. In 2019, the Navy began building a supercarrier, christened the “USS Dorie Miller.”

Dorie’s actions exemplify what it truly means to honor your country, despite the odds against you. 

A Place At Home honors all veterans, whether they served during wartime or not. All across the country, our caregivers are helping veterans stay in their homes safely and independently. It’s the least we can do to thank them for their time and service. 

Veterans spend their careers serving so we can stay safely in our homes; we are honored to do the same for them when the time comes.

For veterans specifically, there are financial resources available to help pay for in-home care, should the need arise. These benefits can cover homemaker services as well as personal care. Veterans need only speak with their team at the VA. Their physician can write an order for up to nine hours a week of care, with no out-of-pocket expense for the vet. As well, a benefit called Aid and Attendance exists for not only veterans but their surviving spouses. This particular benefit has eligibility guidelines but will pay for care either in the home or in a senior living community, up to $27,195 per year.

We are proud to ensure these American heroes have the care and security they need when they need it most. If you are a veteran or know someone who is, reach out to us today. We will help you navigate the options and benefits available.

Proud to Honor Veterans on Veterans Day and Every Day

Thank You Veterans - A Place At Home

Each year on November 11th, as a nation, we celebrate Veterans Day. This day can be confused with Memorial Day, but there is an essential distinction between the two. Memorial Day honors Veterans that gave their lives defending our country. Veterans Day celebrates the lives of all American Veterans who served during wartime.

Veterans Day was conceptualized in 1918 to celebrate the end of World War I. The day was dubbed “Armistice Day” due to the Allies and Germans calling a truce. The truce went into effect on the 11th day of the 11th month in the 11th hour. While World War I was thought to be the “war to end all wars,” World War II and the Korean War soon followed. As such, veterans and other military entities solicited to Congress to have the day changed to Veterans Day. 

Most Americans are aware that Veterans are eligible for benefits throughout their lifetimes due to their service to our country. But few people, including some Veterans themselves, know that these benefits can include in-home care. 

These benefits can cover homemaker services as well as personal care. Veterans need only speak with their team at the VA. Their physician can write an order for up to nine hours a week of care, with no out-of-pocket expense for the Veteran. As well, a benefit called Aid and Attendance exists for not only Veterans but their surviving spouses. This particular benefit does have eligibility guidelines but will pay for care either in the home or in a senior living community, up to $27,195 per year.

Despite the current pandemic, there are still ways we can honor Veterans this Veterans Day. You can donate to any of the Veteran-approved foundations found here or ask a Veteran you know to share about their time in the service. As well, you can send letters or a postcard to a local military installation. National Parks offer free admission to everyone on Veterans Day – invite a Veteran you know to explore with you (keeping safety in mind with social distancing, of course). 

At A Place At Home, we honor aging Veterans by caring for them in their homes.

Every day across the country, our caregivers provide personalized care and companionship to retired members of our country’s military. We are proud to ensure these American heroes have the care and security they need when they need it most. If you are a Veteran or know someone who is, reach out to us today. We will help you navigate the options and benefits available.

A Place At Home is Proud to Honor Veterans on Veterans Day and Every Day

Each year on November 11th, as a nation, we celebrate Veterans Day. This day can be confused with Memorial Day, but there is an essential distinction between the two. Memorial Day honors veterans that gave their lives defending our country. Veterans Day celebrates the lives of all American veterans who served during wartime.

Veterans Day was conceptualized in 1918 to celebrate the end of World War I. The day was dubbed “Armistice Day” due to the Allies and Germans calling a truce. The truce went into effect on the 11th day of the 11th month in the 11th hour. While World War I was thought to be the “war to end all wars,” World War II and the Korean War soon followed. As such, veterans and other military entities solicited to Congress to have the day changed to Veterans Day. 

Most Americans are aware that veterans are eligible for benefits throughout their lifetimes due to their service to our country. But few people, including some veterans themselves, know that these benefits can include in-home care. 

These benefits can cover homemaker services as well as personal care. Veterans need only speak with their team at the VA. Their physician can write an order for up to nine hours a week of care, with no out-of-pocket expense for the vet. As well, a benefit called Aid and Attendance exists for not only veterans but their surviving spouses. This particular benefit does have eligibility guidelines but will pay for care either in the home or in a senior living community, up to $27,195 per year.

Despite the current pandemic, there are still ways we can honor veterans this Veterans Day. You can donate to any of the veteran-approved foundations found here or ask a veteran you know to share about their time in service. As well, you can send letters or a postcard to a local military installation. National Parks offer free admission to everyone on Veterans Day – invite a veteran you know to explore with you (keeping safety in mind with social distancing, of course). 

At A Place At Home, we honor aging veterans by caring for them in their homes.

Every day across the country, our caregivers provide personalized care and companionship to retired members of our country’s military. We are proud to ensure these American heroes have the care and security they need when they need it most. If you are a veteran or know someone who is, reach out to us today. We will help you navigate the options and benefits available. 


Veterans Benefits: Paying for Senior Care

When Mom or Dad reach retirement age and are in need of ongoing assisted living services from professional caretakers, it can sometimes be difficult to find the best way to pay for it. But for many seniors who are also veterans, spouses of veterans, or surviving spouses of veterans, the VA’s Aid & Attendance pension benefit can bridge the financial gap to make this kind of care more affordable.

Even though around one out of every four US seniors would likely qualify for the Aid & Assistance program, only around one in seven who qualify have actually claimed their benefits. There are two main reasons for this shortfall: lack of awareness that the program exists and being intimidated by the long, complex application process.

Who Can Qualify For The VA Aid & Assistance Program

Not all seniors or even all veterans can qualify for Aid & Assistance, but many do, and since the benefit is often around $2,000 per month, it’s well worthwhile to find out if you qualify.

To be eligible, all of the following must be true of the applicant:

  • Was honorably discharged from military service.
  • Served 90 or more days of continuous active duty, including at least one day during a time of war.
  • Meets the “countable family income” limits. This is the total monthly/annual income minus unreimbursed medical expenses and certain public benefit payments.
  • Has a medically documented need for assisted daily living, such as help eating, bathing, or getting dressed.
  • Any of the following are also true of the applicant: is 65 or older, is totally/permanently disabled, is currently a patient in a nursing home, or is currently receiving SSDI or SSI benefits.

The VA will also take account of the applicant’s total net worth. There is no specific rule here – it goes on a case-by-case basis. A home, car, and basic assets are not counted, but a high total asset value on non-essentials could bar approval for the program.

Navigating The Application Process

On average, it takes nine months from start to finish to gather all necessary documents, fill out all forms, apply, and finally, receive approval for Aid & Attendance benefits from the VA. The total list of necessary documentation is quite long, including such papers as veteran discharge originals, proof of assets and income, a physician’s note detailing what type of care the applicant needs, or the marriage certificate for a veteran’s spouse seeking benefits.

However, this process is well worth it if you ultimately get approved. Monthly benefits for single veterans has a maximum of $1,830 currently, while for a veteran plus his/her spouse, the maximum is $2,170 per month. Plus, you get reimbursed retroactively for the months you spent waiting for your application to be approved.

Also note that, if a veteran is approved for Aid & Attendance and then passes away, the application process for his surviving spouse is much shorter – around three months on average.

Let Us Help You

To learn more about the VA Aid & Assistance program, to find out if you or your loved one qualify, or for help and advice on wading through the application process, do not hesitate to contact A Place at Home today! We have in-depth knowledge of this program and of other possible means of securing financial assistance for veterans or for others in need of assisted living care.

Veterans Hope Restored During Battle With MS – Jeff’s Story

Over a year ago, veteran Jeff Wesson began experiencing the devastating effects of multiple sclerosis, a disabling disease of the central nervous system. His physical health quickly decelerated and he was soon unable to walk or move his arms.

“My body was completely stiff. I suddenly didn’t have control over my own body and I just felt completely helpless,” Wesson expressed. “I had dedicated my career to helping others and now I could barely help myself.”

According to WebMD, multiple sclerosis, or MS, is a long-lasting disease which disrupts the flow of information within the brain, and between the brain and body. MS can cause problems with vision, balance, muscle control, and other basic body functions.

As his life was seemingly falling apart, Wesson found refuge in A Place at Home. “I couldn’t perform basic tasks, I needed consistent help and that’s when A Place at Home stepped in. They provided me with the care and support I needed to be able to stay home,” Wesson said.

Due to Wesson’s debilitating condition, he needed daily assistance but he quickly found himself trapped in a corner when he was unsure how he would continue to afford in-home care. “I absolutely loved the services I was receiving from A Place at Home, but I didn’t know how I was going pay for it all. It just wasn’t something I could sustain for very long without assistance.”

Wesson expressed his concerns with his caregiver, William Chamberlain (now Senior Service Coordinator), who is also a veteran. Having experienced disability himself, Chamberlain knew that Veteran Affairs could help pay for Wesson’s care.

This conversation spurred into A Place at Home’s Client Service Coordinator, Aubre Philips (now Director) reaching out to the MS Foundation and Veteran Affairs which ultimately led to grants and government assistance aiding Wesson in paying for his care.

“Aubre went above and beyond to help me out. I didn’t have to do anything. She just genuinely cared and she did everything she could to ensure I could continue to receive the care that I needed,” Wesson expressed with gratitude.

Since he was able to continue his care, Wesson made major progressions over a six-month time frame. “When we first got Jeff, he was unable to stand or walk – he couldn’t even move his arms,” Chamberlain exclaimed. “But through physical therapy, he not only regained movement in his arms, but, with assistance, he was able to walk again.”

While there is no cure for MS, treatment typically focuses on speeding recovery from attacks, slowing the progression of the disease and managing MS symptoms.

“They helped me achieve things I never thought I would be able to do again. Without A Place At Home, I wouldn’t be able to move the way I can now. They helped me get movement back, but more importantly, they restored my hope,” Wesson said.

A Place at Home is dedicated to providing a continuum of care for seniors across the nation. Our clients are more than clients – they are family. If you or a loved one need assistance, contact us today so that we can help ease the aging process.